Matching inventory forecasts to actual sales is rarely perfect. No matter how bluebird our crystal ball, there’s inevitably some extra jackets or activewear at the end of the season. That’s web specials: The best outdoor clothing and gear for men, women and kids from fall ’22 or earlier at discounted prices.
Patagonia appreciates your initial call to collaborate on this great mission and would like to offer you a unique ESG teamwork reward as a thank-you for your support. You'll receive a reward in your email for your next purchase at Patagonia.
For every dollar you contribute to buy carbon credits, Patagonia will match and co-purchase 2x additional carbon offsets. Together we can team up and make a bigger impact on our planet! The official certificate of both carbon credits will be emailed to you.
Company ESG profile.
` ResponsiBee is actively working with Patagonia to confirm its company match. You don't need to worry since your initial contribution will always be saved and retro-matched after confirmation. We will inform you as soon as we can.
Patagonia® | 50 years of forwarding to life on Earth
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